Day 27: 90 Day Writing Challenge

by E.V. Jacob on November 13, 2013

Goodness, are we really almost a month into this now? Man, the time flies…

Today, I did very little for the story.  Some research, some chatting with the co-author/mum (co-muthor? mum-author?), but that’s about it.

Does reading about the Higgs boson particle count?  I bought a book about it.  I have an entirely different blog post about that, but for another day.

Also–saw Thor: The Dark World.  I highly recommend skipping out on work/school to go see that in the middle of the day (like I did).  Definitely worth it.

Today was decent.  Tomorrow…I have a lot of work to do. And an article to finish editing!! Eep!! :D

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