Day 26: 90 Day Writing Challenge

by E.V. Jacob on November 12, 2013

Today: Character motives.  Character desires.

Also, denying those desires. Because CONFLICT.  And PLOT.  And also REASONS.

Today’s writing made me feel really bad for my kids (i.e. the characters…who are teenagers).  They’re going to go through all kinds of bad stuff.

But you know, they’re going to come out of it alright.  Mostly.  Well, some of them.

The point is: PROGRESS. Yay!

  • christiney

    hahaha at least the struggles will make them into better people ><

    • Eve Jacob

      Indeed! It builds character!

      …Or makes them die. Or go insane. Or give up on life.

      You know, whatever!

      • christiney

        Anything is better than a lifeless, boring character ><

        • Eve Jacob

          Hahaha definitely never been accused of writing any characters like that! XD

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