Day 25: 90 Day Writing Challenge

by E.V. Jacob on November 11, 2013

I am almost caught up with where I should be, and that is awesome.  I get hot cocoa for that.  Good Evey.  Good.

Today I worked on minor characters, some of which aren’t as minor as I’d originally thought.  A lot of my background/history has changed since my original writing of this story, so there was much, “Wait, is this even possible anymore?” but I’ve managed to muddle through well enough.

Once my coauthor gets back into town, I’ll be able to discuss more freely with her.

Oh…did I not mention that I’ve spent the past three days caring for two children?  Yeah, I’m babysitting.

Today was also spent on the website some more, which is important because:

1) It has an impact on where you read these posts

2) It’s going to get me going on my freelancing site, which will help my career.  Yay.

Anyway, as I said, I’m almost caught up, and in some ways I’m even ahead, so…Summary of the Day:  YAY.

  • christiney

    OMG YAY! I’m so glad you’re caught up despite moving your site >< (haha first you moved physically and now sites)

    • Eve Jacob

      LOL RIGHT? XD I also forgot to mention that my parents were out of town, so I was babysitting my 10 & 8 year old siblings for four days…so go me!!

      • christiney

        So… wow! GO EVE ><

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