Day 24: 90 Day Writing Challenge

by E.V. Jacob on November 10, 2013

Today, I did a an exercise where I describe my main characters’ homes, which was surprisingly fun and informative.  It’s kind of funny–my 90 Day Novel book is mostly about books in a contemporary setting (she doesn’t state that, but her exercises make it pretty clear), so I have to adjust a lot of the exercises to fit my story, which is not set in today’s time.

I really want to delve into writing again, start fixing it up, but for now, I need to make sure I get all these details right.  I have a good framework, but I need to take the time to pretty it up.

And…that’s all I have to say about that.  My website was full of death for a while, but the good people of Tech Support have saved the day, and as you can see, not only is my site back in business…it’s officially hosted at its new domain!!  Woo!  The birth of “Ravenhart Press” is upon us!

  • christiney

    Congratulations on THE FIRST DAY OF RAVENHARTPRESS! :D

    • Eve Jacob

      :D :D :D

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