Day 28: 90 Day Writing Challenge

by E.V. Jacob on November 14, 2013

This post is less about the book and more about me.

(Although I will say, I didn’t actually do much for the book today.  And you know what? I’m OK with that.)

So today was not unique in many ways: I was busy, I was tired, I didn’t accomplish as much as I’d hoped to.

But it was unique in one way: It made me challenge myself.

See, this afternoon, I had to make myself a cup of coffee to get through the rest of the day. I was too busy to take a nap, and too tired to keep going.

And this isn’t the first time I’ve ever had to do so, but it’s only about the third or fourth time I’ve ever done it.

It’s just that those previous three times all happened in the last couple months.

I don’t like that.

I know it’s perfectly normal in our society to drink at last one cup of coffee a day, but I’m not OK with needing something to get through the day. That sort of thing just bugs me.

You may not know this, but I’m kind of a health nut/hippie. I try not to get too annoying with it, but I really am.

So needing something, anything, to make it through the day…it just ruins me the wrong way.

But it’s not just that. For months, I have been tired. If you follow me on Twitter, you know a couple things about me:

1. I’m a major geek. (Major Geek *salutes*)
2. I write. A lot.
3. I don’t sleep much.

That last one is starting to cause some problems, and today was kind of a wake-up call about how my energy levels are dropping.

So, why all the rambling? Because I’ve decided something.

I’m going to sleep. Not just at a decent hour–early.

And not just tonight, but every night.

Because I am tired of being tired.

And if there’s one thing I know about the human body, it’s that it can only take so much.

I am fortunate enough to be healthy, and that is a blessing I don’t want to squander. There’s no reason for me to MAKE myself sick by acting irresponsibly.

So my priority now is making sure I foster good habits, habits that will maintain the health I enjoy, rather that destroying it. I want to behave in a way that my future self will be grateful for, even if that means changing my goals. Even if that means not getting as much done in a day.

Even if that means not finishing my book on time.

And so, while I’m going to do my best to keep up with the 90 Day Writing Challenge, I have to keep in mind that I am only human, so running my business, unpacking and settling into my new house, spending time with my family, and writing a book are a lot to ask of one person in one day…and sometimes, I’m just not going to be able to do it all.

This is one of those hard but necessary decisions, and I’m hoping that it’ll pay off in the end.

Wish me luck!

  • Steve A.

    Good luck!

    My own sleeping habits right now are a veritable Gordian knot of entangled chaos…

    • Eve Jacob

      Haha thanks!

      I have been doing this for so long that I don’t even remember what proper sleeping feels like (actually, I may NEVER have slept properly…I have been a night owl since I was a bitty thing)! Sounds like we both need to do some work on that…haha.

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