Our Star Wars Take Two has come to an end–I kind of can’t believe it!
We had a really good time putting that story together for you guys, and I sincerely hope that you enjoyed it (we sure did).
But now…what do we do with this site?
See, here’s the thing: We are currently working on a novel. Full-blown, 60,000+ words, middle grade fantasy-adventure novel. And we’re loving it, but it takes up a lot of time. Books are like that. Babies, too (or so I’m told).
In any case, seeing as we’re very busy writing our novel, which we hope to publish and share with the world (because it is glorious), and because there are irksome, time-consuming, real-life thingies to do all the time (such as eating, sleeping, cleaning up the house…oh yeah, and earning money for actual living), I’m really not sure if I can honestly commit to another weekly story.
On the other hand, I’ve loved posting to this site regularly, and I really want to keep it up. AND I don’t want the site to go dead.
SO…I’m postponing the decision. This post is just a little placeholder–some space to breathe, if you will–between stories. We just finished up Star Wars: Episode I, and next week, we will transition into something completely different. Will it be another “fanfic” type story? Or an original chapter story? Or will it be a string of super-short flash-fiction stories? Or maybe we’ll go nuts and write some articles or other non-fiction type stuff? What is going to happen??
We’ll see
Either way, this site will still be getting some kind of content on a regular basis!
Thanks for reading!