This story is from my 8-year-old sister, who really wanted to write a ghost story for this site. Again, it’s a little over 1,000 words, but frankly I was just impressed that she could write so much!
A family were packing to drive to their cabin in the southern California mountains for Halloween. The mother was packing for her and the baby, and of course she was also in charge of packing all the food and snacks for everyone. The rest of the family had to fend for themselves, so the father, the older son and the daughter had to pack their own warm clothes, costumes, books and their favorite toys for these two weeks.
They loved their cabin and being in the woods; enjoying the lake, the leaves changing and their country friends are something they always look forward to. Small towns have fun fall festivals, arts and craft stores, small mom and pop restaurants and everything smells delicious–especially the homemade apple and pumpkin pies.
Mom and dad would always play old fashioned games with the kids, while no TV nor any electronic games were allowed. They played things like board games–Clue being their favorite, tag, Sardines, charade and other fun games. Mom would always set the radio to very old music from the 40s. It almost took them back to a different era. The kids could not wait, this was their favorite time of the year!
They were almost there, when it grew cool and eerie as they passed by the graveyard. The baby started to cry. The children who were feeling uneasy themselves, covered the baby’s eyes, when a see through ghosty-looking dear suddenly appeared right in the middle of the road. More and more dear like that were appearing on the road in front of their car. They started to go straight through the car. The father kept driving, leaving them behind. Suddenly, there was the cabin they could see it from the road. It was a long drive and a scary one, they could not wait to get there.
When they finally arrived, the fire place was on and so were all the lights. What was going on, no one was there or were supposed to be there! Suddenly it grew cold and drafty. They noticed a layer of ice on the walls–what was that? Everyone was scared. The mother suggested they all sleep in one room together. There is safety in groups. So, she moved the crib into their room.
They all started to get unpacked while the mother made dinner. While she was cooking, she felt a hand on her arm, but when she turned around, no one was there! After a little bit, everyone else was done unpacking and they got ready for bed. The mother told the father she felt a hand on her arm, and then she went and got ready for bed while the father served dinner.
The father noticed that the front door was unlocked, so he went to the door and locked it. He thought maybe one of the kids opened it. The mother came back and they all ate dinner.
After dinner, they went to bed. In the morning, the mother woke up really early and started to make breakfast. While she was cooking, the TV turned on by itself. She ran back upstairs and woke the rest of the family up. She showed them the TV.
Everyone went downstairs for breakfast. The father was carrying the baby, and the baby started to cry all of a sudden. Its toy was floating away. The family started to get really scared.
The kids went outside with their parents, trying to pick some flowers to put in the house. They wanted something else to do, and it was a decoration for when trick-or-treaters came.
While they were doing that, the front door opened by itself.
The father went and closed the door, and then he heard the door lock. He tried to go inside through the back door, but that door also locked. The father got his keys and tried to open the door with his keys, but as soon as he opened it, it slammed in his face!
“Are you playing a trick on us, Dad?” one of the kids asked.
“No!” the father said.
Then the mother cried, “We left the baby in the house!”
The father broke the door down and went to the baby’s crib, but the baby wasn’t there. The mother started to cry and said, “Where is my baby?”
They ran around looking for the baby and found it crying on the floor with a cut on its face.
The parents didn’t know what to do. The baby was pale and crying and the other kids were scared.
“We have to go!” the mother said.
They started to pack so they could leave, but then they heard a loud BANG from upstairs.
Then, all the cupboards in the kitchen started to open and close, and all the pots and pans started to clang together, and the family was starting to freak out. The chairs slammed into the walls, and suddenly the family could see a bunch of ghosts.
The ghosts attacked the family, scratching them and clawing at them. The little boy got cut very badly.
“Get to the car!” the father said.
They ran out of the house without packing anything and jumped into the car, but the ghosts followed them. They tried to close the doors, but the ghosts kept opening them. The father drove away really fast, but then they realized they forgot to buckle the baby into the car seat, so they pulled over to put the baby in the car seat.
But they were parked by a graveyard. The mother got out and went to put the baby in the car seat, but then the father saw her door open and he heard a voice talking from the empty seat next to him.
The mother came back to her seat after she was done, but she couldn’t open her door, even though it was unlocked. She had to get in through the kid’s door. They started to drive away, but they didn’t realize a ghost was in their car.
The baby started to cry, but none of them knew why. The kids told their parents that the baby was white as a ghost, but the mother said, “The baby’s just scared and tired.”
But the baby was possessed by the ghost, and after a while it stopped crying, and it was pale and cold. The ghost had taken over the baby’s body.