Day 12: 90 Day Writing Challenge

by E.V. Jacob on October 29, 2013


OK, I don’t actually have anything to show you, but I am still happy.

Almost done with character profiles: Once that’s finished, I can move on to outlining. Wooo! (I actually do love it, that isn’t a sarcastic “woo”)

I kind of have a goal about starting with NaNoWriMo, since I’m using that to keep motivated, but we’ll see how that goes.  There is a good chance I won’t be caught up enough to pull it off.

Anyway, I can call myself “satisfied” with today and go to bed (Translation: Stay up reading Allegiant), content with what I got done.

I seriously can’t wait for you guys to read this.

  • christiney

    YES! Woo hoo~ It seems as though both of us were productive today ^^
    But I feel like there’s really nothing new to talk about anymore on the blog ><

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