
Why Storium Wins the Internet (And Possibly Life)

by E.V. Jacob on April 8, 2014

I’m a professional writer. I have been for about eight years now. I write a lot of nonfiction for clients, but as of now, I have four completed first drafts, dozens of short stories, and so many half-finished book drafts I have essentially lost count. I’ve ghostwritten books for clients and edited at least fifteen […]


13 Days of Halloween

by E.V. Jacob on October 4, 2013

Guess what… We’re hosting another Flash Fiction event! Here are the details: – It must be 1,000 words or less – It must be somehow related to Halloween:  It doesn’t even have to take place around Halloween, it simply has to have horror/thriller/suspense/spooky themes to it! – Submissions are due by 18 October 2013–email your stories to […]


So Apparently I Got A Liebster Award. And Then Another One.

January 17, 2013

Hey!  Look!  This is a much more productive way to spend the next few hours than all the writing and editing I had planned! I have been nominated for a Liebster Award TWICE.  This means that I have the lovely L.E. Pate and the glorious J.L. Licea to thank for the twenty-two questions I have […]

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