Day 22: 90 Day Writing Challenge

by E.V. Jacob on November 8, 2013

OK, so yesterday was definitely an off day for me. I didn’t just fail on this–I failed in basically every area of my life, haha. I mean, nothing detrimental, it’s just that basically noting got done yesterday. At all.

And you know what? It’s OK, because I had a great day today ;)

Today was all about my characters’ abilities (there are supernatural elements to my book), so there was much researching, pondering, and wishing I had my own superpowers. I also weighed more on the culture of their world.

Note: Some of you (and by “some of you” I mean “the one person who reads this”) might wonder why I’m doing so much prep-work, but no outlining or real writing.

It’s because I’ve actually already written the first draft of the book, and this is all part of revising. I know from the first draft where it’s weak, where it’s strong, where I didn’t know what I was talking about, and where I need more information before it’s printer-ready.

So this is all just me pulling the details together before I dive into a rewrite/edit session, which probably won’t really take that much time, seeing as most of the heavy lifting has been done at this point.

Another productive thing I did today: I went through the 90 Days To Your Novel book and made a game plan for this weekend, and fire catching up.

Optimistic, I know. What can I say? I’m ambitious.

And that’s what Day 22 looked like. Summary of the day: WIN.

Happy writing, everyone!

  • christiney

    oOo I did not know that you were actually revising/pseudo-writing this current book~ Is it too early to ask to see your first draft? >< hahaha

    • Eve Jacob

      Hahaha yes! But not for the reason you’d think–it’d because:

      1) The first draft is such a complete mess that about half of it is incomprehensible to anyone but me.
      2) It’s hand-written.

      BUT, I expect to be able to blast through my second draft once I have all my research taken care of :D

      (I kind of did this backwards–I wrote the story I wanted to write, then made notes about what actually needed research. I don’t actually recommend it, though it hasn’t turned out to be a complete disaster. I guess we’ll have to wait and see how it pans out. I’ll keep you posted on that!)

    • Eve Jacob

      Hahaha yes! But not for the reason you’d think–it’s because:

      1) The first draft is such a complete mess that about half of it is incomprehensible to anyone but me.
      2) It’s hand-written.

      BUT, I expect to be able to blast through my second draft once I have all my research taken care of :D

      (I kind of did this backwards–I wrote the story I wanted to write,
      then made notes about what actually needed research. I don’t actually
      recommend it, though it hasn’t turned out to be a complete disaster. I
      guess we’ll have to wait and see how it pans out. I’ll keep you posted
      on that!)

  • Pingback: November 8, 2013 | christiney writes

  • Steve A.

    That’s so great that you were able to have such a productive day. I hope the weekend is just as productive or more so. From what minimal details you’ve talked about, the book sounds awesome.

    And I also want superpowers.

    • Eve Jacob

      Thanks, Steve! I’m glad, to, haha. And I (naturally) think the book is pretty freakin’ great…I hope a sufficient amount of other people agree!! :D

      Seriously–how awesome would that be?

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