Short Stories


October 11, 2012

Bullets tore through the air as the screams of the wounded and dying mixed with the explosions that shook the ground of the tiny village. The raid had hit so suddenly, almost no one had been prepared—the soldiers raced into the little village with their trucks and Jeeps, screaming at the villagers. They hadn’t wanted […]

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The Hiker

October 4, 2012

Another little piece of juvenilia–I’m sorry I don’t have anything that wasn’t written when I was sixteen.  Next week, you will get something more recent.  For now, have fun enjoying my mad teenage writing skillz. – “Up this way,” I told her.  She had been hesitant all morning; she had almost refused to come. “Honey, […]

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A Garden of Graves

June 21, 2012

Anna hobbled up the hill to the field where a fresh grave waited.  It was a small, crude hole in the earth; it hadn’t taken long for her to dig. She struggled with each step, not because the body was heavy – the others had been far larger and more difficult to move.  Her strain […]

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In Dreams

June 14, 2012

Another one of our stories from 2006. We are particularly fond of this one – maybe it’ll get an update in the near future. Charlene turned, examining herself in the mirror. Her figure had been altered greatly by the pregnancy. Not that she minded, really, it was more the fact that she had nothing to […]

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Attack on Ariadne

June 7, 2012

For Melissa Jacob. The planet loomed, huge and green, before Captain Malcolm Reynolds as his ship swept in closer. He studied it as Wash brought them smoothly down through the highest reaches of the atmosphere – one of the many benefits of having a master pilot on hand was the smooth space-to-atmosphere transitions. As they […]

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May 17, 2012

For Michelle Yee. Jon was sure he was losing his mind. He stared at his canvas, sitting just where he’d left it on the easel.  A nearly completed painting, an almost perfect piece.  A commission, fetching a rather impressive sum. And across his lovely painting, in a messy, uncoordinated scrawl, was one word: “Sophie.” The […]

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The Graveyard Shift

May 10, 2012

For Mark Lidstone. My wife flicks through radio stations until she finds a song that I can’t stand.  She squeals in delight and turns it up. “What, this?  I hate this song,” I tell her, but she’s already turned it back to the station and started singing along loudly. I laugh in spite of myself […]

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