Announcing: Take Two! Let’s Get Our Star Wars On…

by E.V. Jacob on June 27, 2012

OK, first things first, let’s start this thing off right:


Sorry, I just could not kick off this project without the proper introductory music.

So – what is Take Two? Well, have you ever seen a movie or read a book, and thought, “That was great! But if I made it, I’d have done this…” and proceeded to re-write it in your head?

Well, if you haven’t we sure have. And that’s what Take Two is – something purely for fun, where we take a story that we enjoyed and re-create it in our own way. This is not to say that the original story is bad, usually it’s just inspiring. It’s also a lot of fun to work with established characters and worlds, not to mention great writing practice.

Our hope is that, whether you absolutely love the book/movie we’re tackling, or utterly despised it, you’ll find some entertainment from our take on it.

As you may have guessed, the first Take Two project that we’ll be undertaking is Star Wars: Episode I. I’m not going to get into the reception of the film, because you all know how the general public felt about it, but I will say that the overall story of the Star Wars saga is intriguing, fun, and awesome, and we have had an absolute blast putting it together.

So for the next few weeks, prepare to be inundated by chapters of our Star Wars story. If you’re not a fan of Star Wars, then I sincerely hope that you’ll give this a try – we promise, you won’t even have to read about Jar Jar Binks.

Thanks for reading and keep an eye out for the first installment! It’ll go up tomorrow :)

Oh, and may the Force be with you~

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